Can my MODlvl decrease?

Can my MODlvl decrease?

For most people, never, not while you remain active. Your MODlvl is your score to increase and, while you're active, it will continue to increase.

However, there are some situations where MODlvl can go down:
  1. If you fall inactive* for 120 days or more, your MODlvl will reset to zero.  Additionally, there is a chance your place might be reallocated to a new, active artist.
  2. You step down from Premier (exclusive) Studio Artist where your MODlvl (if over 30) will be reduced back to 30 points.  Additionally, if you were exclusive for less than 6 months, we will also remove the bonus 15 points we gave you when you opted to be exclusive.
  3. A system error that led to overpayment of MODlvl points (we would not recover any additional money earned, just adjust your points to where they should be)
  4. An action you carry out that could (or does) cause us financial or legal loss, or harms the reputation of our site or the artists and/or users within it (such as using copyrighted work without permission, defamation etc).  The amount of MODlvl removed will depend on the damages and losses incurred and/or severity of the action, and might also mean some or all of your cash balance could be removed too, so please read and observe our house rules.  
* Inactive means no uploads, no presence, no engagement with staff, no announcement that you want to have a break.  If you just vanish with no word, that's when we consider you inactive.
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