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What we ask of you
Exclusivity Regardless of artist type, anything you post here and receive full payment for (ie not Remix payment) is deemed to be exclusive to Mod Collective and is not to be uploaded elsewhere. Studio Artists (non-exclusive) artists are free to ...
Can my MODlvl decrease?
For most people, never, not while you remain active. Your MODlvl is your score to increase and, while you're active, it will continue to increase. However, there are some situations where MODlvl can go down: If you fall inactive* for 120 days or ...
Exclusivity - is it for you?
What exclusivity means... Everything paid for by Mod Collective is exclusive to Mod Collective - unless it was declared non-exclusive and therefore paid as a Remix. However, non-exclusive Studio Artists ARE free to upload different work elsewhere, ...
Our general standards
Quality and completeness As a MODCo Artist, you have been chosen from among the best, so we expect the best in standards in creation. We recognize that you have the extraordinary talent in crafting content for your chosen game(s), so we respect your ...
Uploading Content (Sims 4)
Uploading your Sims 4 Custom Content to ModCo is quick and easy, and this article will guide you step-by-step through the process! Please note that this article was originally written pre-release, and screenshots are taken with admin permissions ...