House Rules

House Rules

We don't have many house rules, but we do expect everyone to observe these.  We want ModCo to be a GREAT place for everyone.
  1. Be kind to customers.  Some users can be very self-entitled, but remember that they're very often the loud minority, while the silent majority are just so very glad you do what you do.

  2. We expect all work to be your own work (or alternatively, that you have the written permission to use someone else's work where needed).  Please ensure everything you upload does not infringe trademarks or copyright.

  3. Be nice to staff.  Everyone here just wants to make things brilliant for you all and they're often putting in way more hours than they should be because we all have a passion for life sim games and the community.

  4. Avoid rubbishing any other communities or sites - the things people say can have a nasty habit of being leaked and we don't want anyone mired in bad stuff.  All sites have different goals and priorities.

  5. Acceptance of diversity is a must here.  Everyone is from different backgrounds, whether that be race, religion, gender choice, sexuality or any other.  Everybody has a home here, is of equal value and has equal voice.

  6. No politics!  Yes, we know countries are at war with one another, but most people in those countries DON'T want to be at war with one another (politicians and leaders often make choices that are not supported by their people).  Here, we're a team, a family, all here for the same reason.

  7. Confidentiality - if we involve you in a private project or share any other non-public information with you during your time at MODCo, please maintain that confidentiality.

  8. Finally, if you're not sure about something or want anything clarified, please, please ask.  We are all more than happy to help.  As we're a global staff, it might be a few hours before you get an answer sometimes, but we'll always get back to you.  We're glad you're here, and we're here for you.

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