How to create a missing resource.cfg file for The Sims 4

Replace a missing resource.cfg file

Are you finding mods are missing from your game?  One of the reasons can be that the game cannot see any mods buried within folders.  If so, that will be because your resource.cfg file is either incorrect, or missing completely from your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder.

The resource.cfg file tells your game how many folders deep to read your custom content and ordinarily allows for up to 5 nested folders inside your Mods folder. 

If this file goes missing, running your game again will normally recreate it.  However, if it isn't recreated for whatever reason, you can easily recreate it...

  1. Open a text editor such as Notepad and copy the following text into it

    Priority 490

    PackedFile TSRLibrary/tsrarchive*.package

    Priority 500

    PackedFile *.packagePackedFile */*

    .packagePackedFile */*/*

    .packagePackedFile */*/*/*

    .packagePackedFile */*/*/*/*

    .packagePackedFile */*/*/*/*/*.package

  2. Choose SAVE AS, not Save

  3. Change the Save as type from Text to All files

  4. Enter the File name as resource.cfg

  5. Save this to your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder

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