Image Types & Requirements

Image Types & Requirements

Depending on the type of content you are creating, and how you intend for it to published on our website, there may be multiple different images that you'll have to create to ensure that content displays correctly. 

You may use either renders, or in-game screenshots - whichever you prefer! If using renders, we do ask you to please ensure that your content looks the same in the render as it does within whichever game the content is for. 

The types/sizes of images that you'll need will be determined by how your content is going to be published on site. We have three types of images:
  1. Gallery Images - 1920x1080, 16:9
  2. Browse Images - Minimum 400x400, 1:1
  3. Individual Item Images (Sets only!) - 1024x768, 4:3, transparent background
All images should be provided in uncompressed PNG format. PNG images are lossless, meaning that your image quality won't be impacted by compression when the images are viewed on site. 

Do not include any text, or any artist logo/branding on your image. The website will eventually be set to automatically add watermarks to the images.

Image Types - Details

We have three main image types:
  1. Gallery - This is the main image(s) that will be displayed when the details of your creation are being viewed.
    1. Standard HD is best, 1920x1080 in a 16:9 aspect ratio. 
The gallery images are displayed at full size on the details page of your creation:

  1. Browse - This is a smaller image that acts as the preview of your content when users are browsing through the catalog onsite. 
    1. These images should be zoomed (as needed) in so the details of your content are visible.
    2. These images are displayed at a maximum of 400x400 pixels on site. Any size equal to or larger than this will work, as long as the image is a square 1:1 ratio. For example, many artists use 1024x1024. 
    3. Do not use the same browse image for multiple creations. 
    4. If making a set/collection, then you'll only need to make one browse image for the entire set/collection. Individual items within a set do not require browse images.
The browse images are displayed here:

  1. Collection/Set Item - These images are displayed as the preview for individual items with a collection or set. 
    1. Recommended size is 1024x768 in a 4:3 aspect ratio.
    2. These images should show your item or content on a transparent background.
    3. Do not add any drop shadows behind any part of your images - the website will automatically add them.
Set images are displayed when a user displays the contents of a set:

NOTE: the gray background and shadows are created automatically by the website. This is why, when possible, set images should have a transparent background.

Examples - Set Item

Depending on the type of you are creating, what these images might look like for each type of content may differ slightly. Set images are only required if your content if being published as a collection/set. You do not need to create these images for single items that are being uploaded or published individually as single items.  

  1. Images can be either renders or in-game screenshots.
  2. If your content has to be displayed on a sim, you may wish to use cropped boxes (such as the eye image below) rather than having the entire sim visible.
  3. If your content has multiple swatches, you do not have to show every swatch in the item image. (We're considering additional functionality to show off swatches later on.)

Below is a collection of various possible ways that you can showcase different items in this format when needed. (Keep in mind these are only examples to give you some ideas, you don't have to follow these exactly!)

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